Task flow and Sketchy Screen

Teresa Noyola
2 min readMar 2, 2021


Task flow for “User Ratings + Notes”
Sketchy screen for “User Rating + Notes” task flow

Once a user finishes consuming a piece of media that the app recommended, they are asked to rate how much they learned and how much they enjoyed the content. These ratings help the app calibrate to the reader’s taste so that it can recommend the best possible content. We ask the user to rate their learning because one of the goals of our app is to offer more fulfilling content to the user than what they would otherwise consume on social media. We also ask the user to add some notes, if they want, with takeaways from the experience. Our goal with the notes is to give users an opportunity to reflect and respond to the content they just consumed in order to make the whole experience more “mindful” rather than “mindless”. Once they finish rating, the user is given the option to return to more recommended content (now updated based on the user’s rating of the content they just viewed).

